For those of you who don't know, Scott and I have been struggling for fourteen months to have a third baby. In November, we suffered a miscarriage at 5 1/2 weeks, and then another in March. In honor of Infertility Awareness Week, I have decided to share our story.
I have another blog on Xanga that I use to privately record everything that has been going on, so this week I will copy snippets of that blog to share with everyone here.
Here is our infertility story, Part 2.
Tuesday, 06 November 2012
The last two days have been a bit of a blur to me. I've spent most of my time lying in bed and going to the bathroom to take care of things. I feel this darkness around me and all I want to do is sleep. Is this depression? I wonder if it is. I think it might be. I'm trying hard to come out of it, but I think it's justified.Because yesterday I started bleeding heavily. Which would be no big deal unless you knew that last week I had a positive pregnancy test. So that means that I miscarried at 5 weeks. Add that to the fact that we'd been trying for 8 months to get pregnant and one could probably see why I've been in bed the last two days.
Tomorrow my help is gone. Scott's parents have been here since last Tuesday and have been incredibly helpful the last two days. Tomorrow they leave. Scott also goes back to work tomorrow. So I am on my own with my boys and Lydia and I'm a little apprehensive. I'd rather spend a few more days in bed.
But life must go on, right?
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