Friday, April 26, 2013

Our Infertility Story- Part 6

This is as far as we've gotten in our story so far, but we are far from the end.  This journey is far from over.  Through this week of posting, I have received several messages from several people who have their own infertility stories to share.  My goal has been to encourage other women to share their stories, and they have, so I consider this to have been a success.

 I don't know what God has in store for us.  I'm not sure if he intends for our family to grow larger, or if maybe we need to wait a bit and learn some lessons first, or if our family is now complete.  I guess there's really no way to know that.  I suppose that years from now, if we have three children or if we don't, we will know the answer.  Scott and I have been holding on to Jeremiah 29:11: For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  This has been comforting to us for the last 14 months, and will continue to comfort us for the rest of this journey.

 Happy reading :)  


Wednesday, 03 April 2013

Antral Follicle Count

Today I went in for more bloodwork and also an ultrasound of my ovaries and uterus to see if there were any structural abnormalities.  My uterus is fine, but my ovaries were interesting.  Each ovary is supposed to have around 5-10 follicles on it on day 3 (which is today), with 10-20 overall.  My left ovary had about 24 follicles and my right about 27 (give or take a few), for a total of 51 overall.  In normal ovulation, one follicle will become dominant and eventually release an egg.  The tech told me, however, that when you have as many follicles as I have, it is unlikely that one will become dominant and release an egg. 

However, I do know that I have released at least a few eggs, since I've conceived.  So, until we get my hormone levels back next week, I'm not really sure what's going on.  The first thing I think of is PCOS (poly-cystic ovarian syndrome), but like I said, we'll wait for the doctor to interpret my results before I start any rumors :)

That's all for now...

Tuesday, 09 April 2013


Yesterday Dr. Young called me with my test results from last week.
Everything's fine.
Everything's normal.
Nothing is wrong.

I should be happy about this, but honestly, I'm devastated.  I was banking on being able to find something that could be fixed, but there is nothing that needs fixing.  I kept thinking that if only we could fix something, then all our problems would be solved, and I'd be able to carry a baby to term.  Maybe I'd need some progesterone or clomid or something and things would be ok.

But now, there's nothing we can do except keep trying to get pregnant.  Who knows how long that will take, and there's a much bigger risk that I'll miscarry again.  On the one hand I don't want to go through that anymore.  On the other hand, our family is not complete.  We are not all here yet.

So, I think we'll go forward.  I think we'll continue trying, running the risk of breaking our hearts over and over again. 

We can do this.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Our Infertility Story- Part 5

 Since it is National Infertility Awareness Week, I have been sharing my own infertility story via my blog this week.  My hope is that someone else will read my story and maybe not feel so alone in their own journey.

 A little background information:
Nov. 2006- I had my first miscarriage, a blighted ovum, at 9 weeks.
Nov. 2007- Benjamin Scott was born (he was conceived in the first month of trying)
Apr. 2010- Caleb Blake was born (again, first month of trying)

We've been trying to have a third baby for 14 months with no luck.  I've had two miscarriages: one in November and the other in March.  This is our story.

Wednesday, 06 March 2013

Yesterday I went to see Dr. Makkapadi to talk about my miscarriage.  She did an internal exam (which I was NOT ready for!) and verified that my miscarriage was complete.  Then we talked about moving forward.  She wrote me an order for bloodwork, which had to be done at the hospital because of how it needed to be stored immediately.  She also gave me a prescription for a progesterone suppository and told me to fill it the minute I get another positive pregnancy test.  She said that there was no guarantee with it, but it might help.

So I took my bloodwork order to the hospital, and when I handed the phlebotomist the order her eyes got huge and she said "are you serious?"  This is what we were testing for:
-Anticardiolipid antibodies
-Prothrombin Activity
-Gene mutation
- Factor V Leiden
- TSH (thyroid)
- HcG quantitative
- Progesterone
- Karotyping

There were a couple others that I can't remember.

In all, she took 15 vials of blood from me.  While she said that wasn't the most she's ever taken from a person, she said that it's much more than she normally does.  I felt special :)

My bloodwork results should come back in a week or so, and Dr. Makkapadi said she'd most likely refer me to Dr. Cooper and Dr. Young.  They are fertility specialists in Des Moines. 

So for now, we wait.

By the way, my bleeding is mostly done and I'm physically feeling much better.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Moving Forward

On Monday I got a call from Dr. Makkapadi's office that all my bloodwork results were in and everything was in the normal range.  She gave me a referral to Mid-Iowa Fertility, and I was able to get an appointment the next morning at 9:20 with Dr. Young. (they had a cancellation.  Otherwise I would have had to wait until April 18th!).

 My good friend Kristen came over to watch the kids, and I met Scott at the clinic.  Dr. Young was very nice, albeit a bit socially awkward.  So, here is what he told us:

- There is a good chance my miscarriages have been because of chromosomal abnormalities, since I have two children already and all my miscarriages have been very early.
- There is also a good chance I have a Vitamin D deficiency, which causes my uterine lining to not grow thick enough to sustain a pregnancy.
- There was also a good chance that I have issues with my uterine structure (polyps, cysts, scar tissue).
- From a fertility standpoint I'm doing ok, since I've been pregnant twice in the last year.
- Scott could have an issue with his sperm.

Moving forward, he told us he wanted me to have a hysterosalpingogram (hsg) test done and then later, on day 2 or 3 of my cycle, have some more bloodwork done to test for genetic factors as well as hormones.  Also, I need to have an ultrasound of my ovaries done to check for egg quality.  We were actually able to schedule the HSG for the same afternoon, so I've already gotten that one out of the way.  It was very quick and very painless;  Dr. Young shot dye into my uterus  and then used an x-ray to watch where it went and make sure it spilled into my ovaries.  It did, which means there were no blockages, and my uterus is structurally sound. 

Now, we just wait a couple of weeks until I get my period and can have more testing done.  I'm glad that we are moving forward with testing and hopefully we can get some answers soon.  Dr. Young did tell us, though, that there is a chance we will never have an answer.  At that point, we'll decide whether or not we want to keep trying, knowing that there is a chance for more heartache.  I guess we'll figure that out when the time comes.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Our Infertility Story- Part 4

In honor of National Infertility Awareness Week, I have been sharing my own story of infertility.  My husband and I have been trying for fourteen months to have a third child, with nothing but two miscarriages to show for it.  We now have three babies in Heaven and two on Earth.  My hope is that other women who are struggling will read this story and know they are not alone.

 Here is our infertility story, part 4. 

 p.s. Don't forget to keep track of the dates!

Tuesday, 26 February 2013


Yesterday I took a positive pregnancy test and went in for bloodwork to test my hcg and progesterone.  I'm going to start keeping stats on here for my own purposes.

4w0dHcG: 14
Progesterone: 11.1

My numbers are low.  I'm not completely pessismistic, but not very optimistic either.  We'll see what happens, I guess.  If I do have another miscarriage, maybe we'll be able to do some testing and find out what's going on.

Friday, 01 March 2013


Just as I thought, this pregnancy is not going to make it.  My HcG at 4w3d was 17.  It's just a matter of time time until I start to bleed.

My kids are demanding food.  It's hard to be a mom when things are going on like this, but I have to do it, right?

Saturday, 02 March 2013

Sparkling Failure

The last few days I've been cleaning like mad, and anyone who knows me knows this isn't normal.  Just a minute ago I figured out why.

I feel like I've failed Scott.  My body isn't able to hold on to a pregnancy and although I know it's not REALLY my fault, I still feel like I'm failing.

And when you're failing in one area you try to make up for it in another area.  At least I do, anyway.  So, my kitchen is sparkling clean because Scott likes clean kitchens.  He has no clue I'm doing this.  Heck, I had no clue either until just now.  But yeah, that's what's going on.  My kitchen is sparkling because my body is failing to do what it was made to do.

And that's all I feel like writing about right now.

Sunday, 03 March 2013

I started spotting last night before bed.  By the time I got up this morning, I was bleeding.  It's not super heavy yet, so I suppose that's good.  Cramping is mild.  I've spent most of the day in bed, except when I've had to work (I'm working Hy-Vee this weekend). 

I'm anxious to go to the doctor and start getting some answers. It's killing me that I can't know what's going on RIGHT NOW.  It's hard to stay patient. 

My cousin told me about the Creighton Model of natural family planning, and so I did a little research and found a clinic that uses it and NaProTECHNOLOGY in Des Moines.  I'm considering going to them.  I'm frustrated that I've known something has been wrong for a year and nobody has listened to me.  Two precious lives have been lost because nobody would take me seriously.  I need to advocate better for myself, to make lists and take them to the doctor and not leave until everything I want to talk about has been discussed. 

Right now, to be honest, I'm not sure I want to continue with trying to have a baby.  Maybe we were meant to only have two children.  Or maybe I'm just weary.  I'm tired of the trying and the disappointment and the fear and the loss.  I just want someone to make the decision for me so I don't have to.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Our Infertility Story- Part 3

This is part three of our story about infertility.  I'd like you to see the emotional parts of infertility.  I'm not posting this to garner attention or to make people sorry for me, though.  I'm posting because I want people to know that secondary infertility is real, and it affects way more people than most people think.  I'm also doing this because nobody should have to feel alone in this journey.  Maybe telling my story will bring a sense of solidarity to other women.

We are still at the beginning of our journey, even though it started fourteen months ago.  So far, I have not been on any special meds, or had to give myself injections, or had to have highly invasive procedures done on me or on Scott.  I pray that we will never have to get to that point.  I've witnessed it with my best friend and it was not pretty.  I admire her courage and strength, and I know that every day she thanks God for the miracles He gave her.  She had to endure much to receive much.  I love that she is so willing to share her story;  her openess has given me strength to talk about my story. 

p.s.  Remember, this was written in January :)

Thursday, 17 January 2013

  • Ramblings

    This is the twelfth month that we have been trying for a baby.  It's hard to believe that last January we were nervous about the decision to expand our family, February we started, and here were are, almost a year later with no baby.  After conceiving three times in our first month, I never thought we would be at the point where we are now.  If, at the end of this month, I am still not pregnant, we will start blood work.  The fact that I was pregnant in November kind of cancels out all the other months of trying, so technically, we are not considered "infertile".  However, I will still pursue bloodwork and see if I can figure out at least if the issue is with me.

    Meanwhile, I am frustrated.  And sad, too.  And a tad bit guilty, because I'm at the point where I don't like pregnant women.  A dear friend of mine called the other day to tell me she was pregnant, and all I could think was that I was glad she was telling me over the phone so she couldn't see my tears.  It's hard to explain.  I"m very happy for her, but even more sad for me.  The fact that she conceived her baby right about the same time I lost mine is not lost on me.

    I thought I would beat her to it.

    I know that sounds selfish, but I did think that.

    I have a friend who struggled for six years to have a child.  Just a few weeks ago, her daughter was born.  I cannot imagine the pain she must have felt.  While I so desperately want another baby, at least I've been blessed with two amazing little boys.  Still, it is painful to see so many people around me pregnant. 

    I've been wondering if I'm being punished or tested by God.  I'm not sure.  It's possible.

    Maybe something good will come to me and that's why I have to wait.

    Maybe I'm being taught a lesson in patience.

    This I know: I am sad, frustrated, and a little bit miserable.  I am also a little more humble, closer to God than ever before, and appreciative of all I have.

    Now may I have my baby?

Monday, April 22, 2013

Our Infertility Story- Part 2

For those of you who don't know, Scott and I have been struggling for fourteen months to have a third baby.  In November, we suffered a miscarriage at 5 1/2 weeks, and then another in March.  In honor of Infertility Awareness Week, I have decided to share our story.

 I have another blog on Xanga that I use to privately record everything that has been going on, so this week I will copy snippets of that blog to share with everyone here. 

Here is our infertility story, Part 2.



Tuesday, 06 November 2012


The last two days have been a bit of a blur to me.  I've spent most of my time lying in bed and going to the bathroom to take care of things.  I feel this darkness around me and all I want to do is sleep.  Is this depression?  I wonder if it is.  I think it might be.  I'm trying hard to come out of it, but I think it's justified.

Because yesterday I started bleeding heavily.  Which would be no big deal unless you knew that last week I had a positive pregnancy test.  So that means that I miscarried at 5 weeks.  Add that to the fact that we'd been trying for 8 months to get pregnant and one could probably see why I've been in bed the last two days.

Tomorrow my help is gone.  Scott's parents have been here since last Tuesday and have been incredibly helpful the last two days.  Tomorrow they leave.  Scott also goes back to work tomorrow.  So I am on my own with my boys and Lydia and I'm a little apprehensive.  I'd rather spend a few more days in bed.

But life must go on, right?

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Our Infertility Story- Part 1

For those of you who don't know, Scott and I have been struggling for fourteen months to have a third baby.  In November, we suffered a miscarriage at 5 1/2 weeks, and then another in March.  In honor of Infertility Awareness Week, I have decided to share our story.

 I have another blog on Xanga that I use to privately record everything that has been going on, so this week I will copy snippets of that blog to share with everyone here. 

Here is our infertility story, Part 1.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012


Here's a little background information on what's been going on:

March 2012- I went off birth control and ignored the doctor's commands to wait a few months before trying to conceive baby #3.  We weren't exactly trying, but we definitely weren't NOT trying.

June 2012- I started charting my temperature and realized something was wonky.  I never got my "spike" that I was supposed to get after ovulating.

July 2012- Still not pregnant, I made an appointment with my ob-gyn at Women's Health Services.  I needed a pap anyway, so I just asked that the doctor schedule me some extra time so we could discuss trying to conceive.  I did get my temperature spike this month.

August 2012- I started therapy for my crazy-psycho mood swings I've been having.  Every month I turn into a terrible ogre, and I don't like what's going on.  My therapist (Amy), told me I have mild depression and told me to take St. John's Wort.  I started it for a week or so, but stopped taking it for no reason other than something in my gut told me it wasn't necessary.  I also called my ob's office again, and cried to the nurse.  I explained to her that I have been pregnant three times in the first month of trying, and this (now 6 months) was highly unusual.  I also told her about my irregular periods (anywhere from 23 to 30 days), and heavy flow.  I'm also losing hair.  The nurse told me that there is definitely something going on, and that they would do blood draws at my appointment to find out what's happening.  She couldn't get me in any sooner than already scheduled, so I decided to wait one more month.

I also started using ovulation predictor kits in August.  I never surged.  Also did not get my temp spike.

September 2012- Still charting, still doing OPKs.  I went to the ob yesterday and was devastated when she told me that she would do my pap or my blood work, but she couldn't do both because insurance wouldn't cover both.  Frankly, I believe that she just decided she wanted to go home, as I was her last patient of the day.  She refused to look at my charts, and told me to come back in five months.  She left the room, I cried, then got dressed and opened the door.  That's when I noticed two nurses talking in hushed tones, and one of them said "she's coming out".  They then plastered fake smiles on their faces and asked if there was anything else I needed.  I quickly said "no" and walked out.  I'm sure they were talking about me; I'm convinced they were not saying nice things about me.

Today I called another OB clinic, and they told me they'd gladly see me, even though we are only on month 7 of trying.  I told the nurse that I have two children already,  but all signs are pointing to me not ovulating.  She was very sympathetic, and scheduled me an appointment for October 17th (the first available).

I'm very upset with the way I was treated at Women's Health.  I will not be returning there.  Nobody, especially not someone who is struggling with depression and infertility, should have to be made to feel the way I was yesterday. 

We'll see what happens.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

To Caleb, On Your Third Birthday

Dear Caleb,
Three years ago today, your daddy and I laughed as you slipped quickly into this world.  You made quite the entrance, little man, not leaving any time for the doctor to do what she needed to do to help bring you into this world.  You were going to do things your own way, happily oblivious to society's "norms", yet so charming that nobody really cared.

You gave us quite a scare, little one, when you so recklessly arrived.  Your lungs didn't have the opportunity to be squeezed the way they should have been, so your body was purple/gray and you had to be on oxygen for a bit.

But ever the optimist, you powered through, and within a couple of hours you were pink and smiling.

Caleb, you were born smiling, with Daddy and I laughing.  And that's the way it continues to this day.  Your sweet smile and silly antics have your Daddy and me smiling and laughing all the time.  I love that you march to your own crazy drum, so happy and so carefree.  Life is a party to you, Caleb Blake, and my wish for you is that the party continues.

I love your matter-of-fact optimism, little Bug.  You believe, in your core, that everything will always go the way you intend for it to go.  There's no Pollyanna attitude with you; yes the sun is always shining, but it's only because the sun has no other option BUT to shine.  Yes, Mommy will give you a juice box even though she always gives milk at lunch, because Mommy has no other option BUT to give you a juice box.  And if, perchance, Mommy happens to tell you that you can't have one, you'll turn on that dimpled grin and whisper "juice box", because you know that the quieter you are the more people will listen.  And 99% of the time, you'll get your way with that charm.  I love and loathe that about you, Caleb!

I fear that your wit and your charm will be your downfall, Caleb.  I fear that you will be able to get yourself out of a lot of situations, and you will never really learn a good lesson from having to suffer any consequences.  Of course, I am your mother, and my prayer is that your road is as smooth as possible, but I also pray that you will learn to handle the tough times with dignity and grace.

Little one, I worry every day about the way that Daddy and I are raising you and Ben (Bay-un, as you call him) in a way that is pleasing to God.  I pray that you will grow up to love Him, that you will be a Godly man one day.  Your carefree spirit and gentle heart have the potential to lead you in many different directions; my hope is that the path you follow is the one that brings you the most peace in life and that reflects God's desire for you.

Thank you, little Pizza, for bringing a sense of humor into our family.  Thank you for your imagination and giggles.  Thank you for running around with no pants, singing the Oompa Loompa song, dressed as "Darth Vader" (but the good guy Darth, not the bad guy), while your Storm Troopers (Daddy and Ben) follow you around.  Thank you for declaring your name is Pizza, and that your age is four-nine-eight, and for insisting on wearing rain boots to church.  Thank you for being such a love bug.  I love you, Caleb Blake!